Our ten chapters conduct more than 50 workshops and events each year. All chapter events are open to the public.

See our Events Page to find out about upcoming events. Click HERE to see a list of the type of events that we offer through out the year.

Chapter Leaders

Central Maine:

Jim Ferrante Jim.Ferrante@maine.gov

Down East:

Si Balch balch77@gmail.com

Mid Coast:

Andrew Smart a.smartfarms@gmail.com

Northern Maine:

Randy Lagassse (Ashland) randy.lagasse@maine.gov, Lauren Ouellette (Island Falls) Lauren.Ouellette@maine.gov

Penobscot Valley:

Laurent Beauregard ljbeau273@gmail.com

Southern Maine:

Jeff Williams maineforestmanagement@gmail.com

St. Croix:

Ernest Carle ernest.carle@gmail.com

Two Rivers:

Andy Shultz andy@aforestry.com

Upper Kennebec Valley:

Joe Dembeck jdembeckmaine@gmail.com

Western Maine:

Merle Ring mring54@gmail.com