Why Planning Starts Now

Maine Woodland Owners is committed to helping woodland owners develop succession plans so they can know their life’s work will be passed to someone who will continue their stewardship efforts. Here’s a topic to stimulate landowner efforts to develop and improve their plans.

Many landowners postpone the process of succession planning for their woodlands. There are many reasons for the procrastinations. In my opinion, none of them are good enough to justify the delay. Below are some reasons why succession planning should be started and implemented, if appropriate, now.

  • The most important reason to do the planning now is the unknown possibility of death or the onslaught of serious illness that would prevent the process taking place.

  • If the plan is developed now, there should be time to explain and discuss it with affected parties and get their input.

  • There will be time to implement the plan in writing and in a way that satisfies the legal process to make the plan details binding for the future.

  • Many parts of a succession plan require interaction with others, such as a land trust or distant family members. That process requires time to get to an agreed-on result and plan.

  • If a plan involves transition of ownership and management of the woodlands to the next generation of family members, there will be time to share your values, plans and knowledge of the land and its history as part of the transition.

  • If needed, the next generation of stewards of your woodlands will have time to get an education in slivicultural practices from an institution, Maine Woodland Owners meetings, or forestry consultants.

So don’t wait. Start your succession planning now.

– Rich Merk

Succession PlanningStaff