Your Woods: The Natural Resource Machine

If you have a nature-based hobby, Maine is a wonderful state for you. We’re home to thousands of acres of pristine woodlands and water sources, and many of our residents have them in their own backyards. Today, we’ll celebrate our hobbyists with a post that explains how you can use the raw material in and around your property to cultivate the pastimes you love.

Bee Keeping
Many scientists are now concerned about dying honeybees and the effects their absence has on the ecosystem. This led more people, especially Maine residents, to take up beekeeping as a hobby. Bees provide natural honey, a healthy alternative to the sugar-laden brands often found in stores. In addition, bees pollinate various garden plants. This ensures longer life spans for flowers and other aesthetic plants; it also safeguards ongoing food sources for wildlife.

Property Aesthetics
Many Maine residents love spending time in their gardens or private woodlands. The natural resources found there can transform your garden into a haven for guests of the human and animal variety. For example, planting oaks and evergreens effectively attracts squirrels to your woodlands. Building and maintaining a koi pond, birdbath, or fountain gives wildlife a constant water source and improves your property’s overall health. Planting certain flowers such as butterfly weed or fritallaria can attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Syrup Making
Maine is well known for its maple syrup. If you’ve never tried making your own, consider planting some maples on your property and taking up this hobby. Although maple syrup is maligned for its sugar content, it carries several health vitamins and nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Maple syrup is said to help clear skin and aid the digestive system. A recent study even claims the condiment helps fight certain cancers. Additionally, maple syrup and the foods you put it on, such as fresh pancakes, are sure to bring guests to your table.