Take-home Information from Maine Woodland Owners-Foresters Event in Windsor

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 Rain gear and bug dope were not needed.  It was a beautiful day at the Windsor Field Tour, June 19, as a coordinated team of 10 presented their information four times to facilitate discussions.  The 84 attendees were divided into four groups to circulate through separate stations along a prepared pathway with everyone reconvening at a central location for lunch.

     The host, Brian Roth, described the woodlot’s history and ownership, a partnership with four other owners, and the procedure for the groups to participate in the day’s program.  The program addressed key components of rehabilitating small woodlots, with a bonus presentation at lunch by Glen Rea on the American Chestnut Foundation’s program to restore the species in our eastern woodlands.  A 23-page handout providing take-home information on the topics of the day was distributed to all participants. Click here to see a copy of it.

Forest ManagementStaff