Our Office on the Move, Once More

8 Mulliken Court.jpg

Yes, that’s right, we have moved our office for the second time in less than a year. After more than 27 years in the Viles Arboretum – formerly the Pine Tree State Arboretum – we moved our office last fall to a healthier environment on State Street in Augusta. Some of the space we were scheduled to occupy was not yet available, so the landlord accommodated us with additional, temporary storage elsewhere.

This spring, the landlord indicated that the largest tenant in our current building needed more space, and asked if we would consider giving up our existing space for a different location the company also owned.  We were able to work out an arrangement for the new space that better meets our needs. The new space  is much larger than our current one, has a conference room – which our previous location did not – and includes ample room for expansion, plenty of parking, storage and is in a very visible location. 

We were able to negotiate a rent agreement which keeps the rate the same as our smaller location for the next three years, with a small increase the fourth year. And the owner even agreed to pay the cost of our move.

Our new location is 8 Mulliken Court in Augusta – a house converted into office space. We occupy the entire building. The new office borders Western Avenue, with a large sign that’s highly visible.

To reach the new office, turn onto the Airport Road (Augusta Airport) off Western Avenue and then an immediate right onto Mulliken Court. Our office is a white building, the second building on the right. And please note: Our telephone numbers and mailing address (P.O. Box 836 Augusta, Maine) remain the same.
