6 Tips to Avoid Tick Bites


As the weather warms in the spring and summer months, outdoor activities like camping and hiking become the standard. And while the outdoors can provide hours of adventure and fun, it also means that tick and other bug bites become more prevalent. This year, tick bite rates have been worse than in years past. Ticks are known to carry several diseases, the most common being Lyme disease. By knowing how to prevent tick bites, you and your family can have a safe, tick free summer.


6 Tips to prevent tick bites:


  • Avoid direct contact with ticks by walking in the center of trails, and refrain from walking through tall grasses while hiking.

  • Wear light colored clothing to better identify ticks before they get on your skin. 

  • Repel ticks with appropriate repellents, although the Natural Resource Defense Council urges caution when using these products, as many contain toxins that can damage the nervous system. Research the ingredients in your repellant, and use extra caution when applying them to children. 

  • Wash all clothing as soon as you get home. Many suggest drying on high heat to kill any lingering ticks in the clothes. 

  • Find and remove ticks as soon as possible by showering after coming indoors. After showering, use a mirror to check all parts of your body for ticks, especially in creases and crevasses like behind the knee and under the arms, as well as on the scalp. 

  • Examine all gear and pets. Ticks can hide in camping gear, get into your house, and attach to a person later.


The best way to avoid tick bites is knowing where to avoid these insects and what to look for. By following these six steps, you can help prevent tick bites and enjoy your summer.

Forest InsectsStaff